Terms and conditions



  1. Regulations - these regulations, which specify: rules for registration in the Online Store; rules of using the Online Store; terms and conditions of placing orders for Products offered by the Seller and available in the Online Store; rules for delivering ordered Products; rules for the Customer’s payment of the purchase price for the ordered Products; the Customer’s rights to cancel the order and withdraw from the distance sales contract; rules for submitting and considering complaints (warranty). The annexes to the regulations constitute their integral part.
  2. Services provided electronically - maintaining the Customer’s account, concluding online sales contracts for Products sold in the Online Store, including licenses, sending e-mails, adding comments by the Customer to his order; sending e-mails confirming receipt of the order by the Seller, acceptance of the order for processing, order progress, complaint processing.
  3. Online store - kordacki.com online store run by the Seller, i.e. Marcin Kordacki running a business under the name Marcin Kordacki, Sezamkowa 12/2 81-198 Poland, Tax ID, PLNIP7772600092.
  4. Order – the Customer places an order via an interactive form available on the Online Store website. The order specifies in particular which Product and at what price the Customer wants to order.
  5. Acceptance of the order by the Seller (providing confirmation of concluding a distance contract) - if the Seller accepts the Customer’s order, he or she sends him information electronically about the approval of the order for execution. Upon receipt of such a declaration from the Seller, a distance sales contract is concluded between the Customer and the Seller. The confirmation provided includes, among others:
    1. link to these regulations;
    2. information about the Customer’s consent to provide digital content in circumstances resulting in the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract (if applicable).
  6. Product – Products available in the Online Store’s offer, including Products constituting digital content.
  7. Customer – a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality but with legal capacity, using the Online Store. If the Customer is not a natural person, it is presumed that he or she is represented by a representative authorized to represent the Customer under applicable law.
  8. Consumer – a Customer who is a natural person using the Online Store, including in particular making purchases, for purposes not directly related to his or her business or professional activity.
  9. Individual entrepreneur - a natural person concluding a distance sales contract directly related to his/her business activity, when the content of this contract shows that it does not have a professional character for this person, resulting in particular from the subject of his/her business activity.
  10. Account - the Customer’s account regarding himself and the orders placed by him, constituting a set of data stored in the Online Store and in the Seller’s IT system, using which the Customer may conclude distance sales contracts via the Online Store.
  11. Correction Invoice – a document issued if, after issuing the invoice and completing the contract, there has been a change in the amount due and the amount of tax (e.g. due to the Customer’s withdrawal from the contract).
  12. Product – movable item/digital content that the Customer can purchase in the Online Store;
  13. Digital content – the type of Product offered in the Online Store. The seller grants a license to digital content in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. Certain digital content is covered by a Royalty free or standard or premium Royalty license.
  14. Products marked with the slogan print on demand - Products which, after concluding a distance sales contract, are printed at the Seller’s request and delivered to the Customer directly by companies cooperating with the Seller. Currently, the Seller cooperates with companies such as Printify, Printful, ShineOn. In relation to these Products, the Customer has a limited right to submit a complaint or withdraw from such a Product.
  15. Prices - the prices of Products indicated on the Online Store’s website include VAT and are given in Polish zlotys. Prices do not include delivery costs. Delivery costs depend on the method of delivering the Product to the Customer, on the value and size of the order and are provided when the Customer chooses the method of delivery of the Product. The total cost of the order (i.e. the price of the Products including delivery costs) is indicated in the Basket before the Customer places the order. The seller notes that additional customs and tax fees may apply to international orders. This fee is not under the control of the Seller and is assessed by the local customs or tax or customs and tax office. Customs or customs and tax policies vary significantly in each country.
  16. Invoices and receipts – tax documentation of purchases. Cash receipts or VAT invoices are issued for all Products ordered in the Online Store. The customer accepts the issuance and sending of invoices and correction invoices in electronic form. Consent to receiving invoices or correction invoices in electronic form is tantamount to resigning from receiving them in paper form. The Customer may withdraw consent to receiving invoices or corrective invoices electronically by unchecking consent in his profile, available after logging in to the Customer’s account, or by sending an e-mail message with the content: I withdraw consent to issuing invoices in electronic form to the e-mail address: [email protected] The signature of the Customer as the purchaser of the Product is not a mandatory element of the content of the VAT invoice.
  17. Correction invoice - in the event of withdrawal from the distance sales contract or in the event of refund of the purchased purchase price in connection with a Product complaint accepted by the Seller, a Correction Invoice will be sent to the Customer’s e-mail address along with a request to confirm its receipt.
  18. Privacy and cookies policy of the Online Store - a document specifying detailed rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies. The privacy and cookies policy constitutes an annex to the Regulations and is available on the Seller’s website in “pdf” format.

General provisions.

  1. Using the Online Store is possible provided that the ICT system used by the Customer meets the following minimum technical requirements: having an ICT device with access to the Internet, with a properly installed, configured and updated Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge web browser , Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari. In order to use the Online Store, it is recommended to enable cookies. Disabling it may prevent or impede the use of parts of the Services or functionalities. To use the Services provided via e-mail or SMS, you must have an active and correctly configured e-mail or mobile phone account. To read documents saved in PDF format, you must have a PDF viewing program installed. To read or edit documents saved in the DOC format, you must have a program for viewing or editing DOC files installed.
  2. Customers can access these Regulations at any time via the link on the home page of the website www.kordacki.com/terms and download and print them.
  3. The content posted on the Online Store’s website, including Product descriptions and prices, constitute an invitation to conclude a distance sales contract. In order to submit an offer to purchase a product, the Customer should place an order by completing the appropriate form available on the Online Store website and clicking the button marked: “I order and pay”.
  4. The Seller does not conduct wholesale sales in the Online Store. The Seller is entitled to introduce the maximum number of pieces of a specific Product or category of Products included in one order. If the Customer needs to place an order for a larger number of Products covered by the order, the Customer should contact the Seller via the e-mail address: … in order to determine the conditions for the execution of the wholesale order. After the Customer and the Seller agree on the terms of execution of the wholesale order, the Customer will receive confirmation of acceptance of the order for execution.
  5. The Seller, no later than the time of delivery of the product, will confirm to the Customer the conclusion and agreed terms of the Distance Sales Agreement on a durable medium. In the same way, the Seller will confirm to the Customer that he has received consent to provide digital content in circumstances resulting in the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract. The essential provisions of the sales contract are recorded, secured, made available and confirmed to the Customer by sending the Customer to the provided e-mail address and by attaching a printout of the receipt or VAT invoice to the shipment containing the goods.
  6. The Customer may not place content in the Online Store or provide the Seller with any illegal content, including opinions and other data of an unlawful nature.

Rules of Use of the Online Store.

  1. In order to register in the kordacki.com Online Store (tab: registration in the Online Store), complete the online registration form. In the registration form fields, please provide your name and surname, e-mail address and password.
  2. The customer ensures that the data provided by him in the registration form is true.
  3. Registration requires careful reading of the Regulations and marking on the registration form that the Customer has read the Regulations and fully accepts all its provisions.
  4. After completing and sending the registration form by the Customer, the Seller sends an activation link to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. Clicking the activation link completes the registration process and confirms the accuracy of the data provided in the registration form. At this moment, an agreement for the provision of services by electronic means is concluded for an indefinite period, consisting in maintaining the Customer’s account, on the terms set out in these regulations.
  5. Registration in the Online Store and use of the Online Store’s functionalities are free of charge.
  6. After registering in the Online Store, each login to the Online Store takes place using the Customer’s data provided in the registration form or changed by the Customer using the Customer account settings.
  7. The customer may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services at any time.
  8. Termination of the contract by either party, as well as its termination with mutual consent, is tantamount to blocking the Customer’s access to the Customer Account and deleting it.
  9. In order to delete the Customer’s account from the Online Store, please contact the Seller by e-mail at the following address: [email protected] The request to delete the Customer’s account is accepted after confirming whether the person making the request is the owner of this account. Deleting the account takes place immediately and means that the Customer terminates with immediate effect the contract with the Seller for the provision of electronic services, the subject of which is maintaining the Customer’s account.
  10. The Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services if:
    1. The Customer grossly or persistently violates the provisions of the Regulations,
    2. the Client’s activity is contrary to applicable moral standards, incites violence or committing a crime, or if it violates the rights of third parties,
    3. the purpose of registration or the method of using the services is obviously contrary to the principles and purpose of the Store,
    4. received an official notification about the illegal nature of the data provided or the activities related to them,
    5. has obtained reliable information about the illegal nature of the provided data or the activities related to them and has previously notified the Customer of the intention to prevent access to the Customer Account,
    6. the address data provided by the Customer raise objectively justified doubts as to their correctness or truthfulness, and these doubts could not be removed by telephone or e-mail.
  11. The Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services if the Customer has not been active in the Store, in particular has not placed an order or logged in to the Customer Account within 1 year from the last activity.
  12. The declaration of termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services submitted by the Seller will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the Customer Account. Termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services results in permanent deletion of the Customer Account.
  13. If the Customer’s account is blocked and deleted, unfulfilled orders placed by that Customer are canceled by the Seller. Cancellation takes place within 1 day of blocking the account. In such a case, if payment for the order has already been made, the Seller will refund the entire amount paid to the Customer. The refund will be made immediately.
  14. If the termination was made by the Seller, re-registration is possible after obtaining the Seller’s consent.
  15. Termination or termination with the consent of the parties of the contract for the provision of electronic services does not affect the performance of already concluded sales contracts, unless the parties decide otherwise.
  16. The deadline for terminating the contract in the cases specified in section 10 and 11 above is 14 days.

Placing orders.

  1. An order in the Seller’s Online Store can be placed using the IT system (websites) of the Online Store.
  2. Orders placed via the website can be placed 24 hours a day, all year round. Orders placed on working days after 3:00 p.m., on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be processed the next business day.
  3. In order to submit an offer to purchase the Product, the Customer should place an order. The order is placed by completing the appropriate, interactive form available on the Online Store’s website and clicking the button marked: “I order and pay”.
  4. In order to place an order, the customer must have an account.
  5. When placing an order, the Customer may consent to receiving invoices in electronic form, which will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the Customer’s account. If the Customer does not consent to receiving invoices electronically, the invoices will be sent in traditional form, i.e. paper together with the order.
  6. In order to place an order, the Customer should, after reading the regulations, accept these Regulations of the online store.
  7. The Seller, at the latest immediately before placing the order, informs the Customer about the total price of the Product and any additional fees, including transport, additional services, payment costs, etc.
  8. At the beginning of placing the order, the Seller informs the Customer about available payment methods. Payment for the product can be made using the method chosen at the time of placing the order.
  9. If a given payment method involves an additional cost for the Customer, the Seller informs the Customer about this at the latest immediately before the Customer places the order.
  10. The Seller informs the Customer about the payment date via the IT system.
  11. The Seller ensures that the Customer, when placing an order, clearly confirms that he or she knows that the order entails an obligation to pay.
  12. In order to place an order, the Customer should provide the following data necessary to complete the order (i.e. e-mail address, telephone number, address for shipping the Product, name and surname or NIP number in the case of purchasing the Product by an entrepreneur).
  13. When placing an Order - until the button confirming the submission of the Order is pressed - the Customer has the opportunity to modify the entered data and the selection of the Product.
  14. After the Customer using the Online Store provides all necessary data, a summary of the placed Order will be displayed. A summary of the placed Order will include, among others: a description of the selected Products, the total purchase price and all other costs.
  15. The seller issues a receipt or VAT invoice for the purchased goods. To receive a VAT invoice, the Customer should select the appropriate option in the order form.
  16. After the Customer has successfully placed the order, the Seller sends information about the placed order to the Customer’s e-mail address. This information does not constitute confirmation of acceptance of the Client’s offer. It is only information that the Seller has received the order. Then, the Seller verifies whether the order can be accepted for processing.
  17. If the Seller accepts the Customer’s order, he or she sends him information electronically confirming the order’s approval for processing. Upon receipt of such a declaration by the Customer, a Distance Sales Agreement is concluded between the parties. The Seller has 5 days to confirm acceptance of the Customer’s order (counting from the day the Seller confirms receipt of the order). If the Seller does not confirm acceptance of the order for execution within the above deadline, the contract between the Customer and the Seller is not concluded and any payments made for the unaccepted order will be immediately returned to the Customer.
  18. The Seller, no later than the time of delivery of the product, will confirm to the Customer the conclusion and agreed terms of the distance sales contract on a durable medium. In the same way, the Seller will confirm to the Customer that he has received consent to provide digital content in circumstances resulting in the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract. The essential provisions of the sales contract are recorded, secured, made available and confirmed to the Customer by sending the Customer to the provided e-mail address and by attaching a printout of the receipt or VAT invoice (if applicable) to the shipment containing the product.
  19. The Customer is obliged to provide the correct (current) and exact address to which the Product is to be delivered. If the Customer provides an incorrect or inaccurate address, the Seller is not liable for non-delivery or delay in delivery of the Product.
  20. If the subject of the order is digital content, the subject of the order is saved in the Customer’s account in the Online Store in the “Your account” tab (“Digital products” section). After logging in to the Online Store, the customer can download it to his/her end device.
  21. If the Customer orders Products from different Product categories as part of one order, the order may be divided into at least 2 (two) parts, each of which will require a separate confirmation from the Customer and indication of the method of order fulfillment.


  1. Orders placed in the Online Store can only be paid in advance.
  2. The Seller, at the latest immediately before placing the order, informs the Customer about the total price of the Product and any additional fees, including transport, additional services, payment costs, etc.
  3. Payments in the online store can be made by: bank transfer or payment card accepted by the Seller or one of the electronic payment systems accepted by the Seller.
  4. The customer is obliged to pay the purchase price within 5 business days from the date of concluding the distance sales contract. If the Customer fails to make the payment within the specified period, the Seller may withdraw from the distance sales contract. Withdrawal from the contract takes place by submitting to the Customer, by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer, a declaration of will to withdraw. In such a case, the sales contract will be considered void and the order canceled. In such circumstances, neither the Customer nor the Seller will be obliged to provide any benefits to each other, in particular the payment of compensation or its substitute, reimbursement of costs, etc.
  5. The execution of the order will begin after the Seller receives the full payment or - in the case of payments handled by the Payment Processing Entity - after such entity confirms the correct execution of the full payment.

Delivery of Products.

  1. The order processing time depends on the availability of a given Product.
  2. The customer will be informed about possible delivery methods and available dates via the order form or electronically. In the same way, the Seller informs the Customer about the cost of delivery. At the beginning of placing the order, the Customer is informed about the restrictions regarding the delivery of Products.
  3. The order processing time begins on the day the payment is credited to the account.
  4. In the case of several products ordered in one shipment, the order processing time corresponds to the longest processing time among the products included in the order.
  5. The ordered Products are delivered in the manner indicated by the Customer when placing the order.
  6. The Seller publishes on the Online Store website information about the number of business days (i.e. days of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) within which the Product will be shipped. The above information is the approximate time counted from the moment the order is accepted for processing until the Product is sent to the courier company.
  7. Typically, order processing takes 3 to 7 business days, after which the order is shipped.
  8. Shipping time depends on the delivery address provided by the Customer, but can be estimated as follows:
    • USA: 3–4 working days;
    • Europe: 6–8 working days;
    • International: 10-20 business days.
  9. In connection with the execution of the order, the Customer is sent an e-mail communication regarding the current process of placing and processing the order (order status).
  10. Covid: lead times may be longer than usual. There are delays in the supply chain, including distributors and carriers, as the entire industry faces challenges.
  11. During periods of increased number of orders (holidays, cyclical events, etc.), the order processing time may be extended to 14 business days.
  12. The seller cooperates with postal delivery providers upon request. They have locations all over the world. Customer orders are printed and shipped from the facility that can do so most efficiently.
  13. If the Customer does not collect the Product from the courier (which will result in the Product being returned to the Seller), the Seller may withdraw from the distance sales contract. Withdrawal from the contract takes place by submitting to the Customer, by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer, a declaration of will to withdraw. In such a case, the order will be considered canceled. In such a situation, the Seller is obliged to immediately return to the Customer everything he received from him under the distance sales agreement.
  14. If the Seller fails to send the Product to the courier within the deadline specified in the e-mail correspondence addressed to the Customer, the Customer may withdraw from the distance sales contract. Withdrawal from the contract takes place by submitting a declaration of will to withdraw to the Seller. In such a case, the order will be considered canceled. In such a situation, the Seller is obliged to immediately return to the Customer everything he received from him under the distance sales agreement.
  15. If the subject of the order is digital content, the subject of the order immediately after the Customer successfully places the order and makes the payment is saved on the Customer’s account in the Online Store in the “Your account” tab (“Digital Products” section). After logging in to the Online Store, the customer can download it to his/her end device.

Complaints (warranty) and limitation of liability.

  1. The seller is obliged to deliver the product without defects.
  2. All complaints regarding the functioning of the Online Store, including matters relating to services provided electronically and contracts concluded via it, may be submitted to the e-mail address: [email protected]
  3. A complaint should, although this is not a requirement for the complaint to be considered, be submitted on a legibly completed form containing:
    1. first name and last name,
    2. order number,
    3. description of the product’s non-compliance with the contract,
    4. date of purchase,
    5. photo of the damage.
  4. When submitting a warranty claim, you must provide proof of purchase of the Product in the Online Store (e.g. bank statement, card payment confirmation, receipt or invoice).
  5. If the data or information provided in the complaint require supplementation, the Seller will immediately ask the Customer to supplement it in the indicated scope. Together with such a notification, the Customer will be sent information on how to fill in the gaps in the complaint.
  6. The Seller undertakes to consider each complaint within 14 days from the date of delivery to the Seller of the statement containing the Buyer’s demands. The above deadline does not apply to complaints in connection with which the Customer wants to withdraw from the contract. The Customer will be notified by the Seller about the result of considering the complaint by e-mail or in writing, depending on how the complaint was submitted.
  7. Customers in the European Union are entitled to a statutory warranty, under which they may request a refund of the costs of Products purchased in the Online Store for a period of two years from the date of delivery of the Product if the Products have defects or are inconsistent with the description. In the case of used Products, the warranty period is shorter and amounts to one year from the date of delivery of the Product to the Customer.
  8. Due to the specificity of Products marked with the slogan print on demand, i.e. Products manufactured according to the Customer’s specifications, the Seller does not provide for the return of Products or their exchange for others. The only exception is a situation in which the received Product will have a different label than the one indicated by the Customer at the stage of placing the order. In such a situation, the Customer is obliged to submit a complaint in accordance with section 2-4 above. The Seller will replace the Product with a Product with the appropriate label within one week of receiving the request. If the Seller is unable to replace the Product, it will refund the Customer the amount due for the Product.
  9. Before collecting the parcel from the post office or courier, the Customer should check whether the packaging has not been damaged during transport. In particular, you should pay attention to the condition of the tapes attached to the shipment. If the parcel’s packaging shows signs of damage or the tapes are broken, do not accept the parcel and contact the Seller as soon as possible to clarify the matter. Otherwise, i.e. if the parcel looks correct, the Customer is obliged to collect the parcel.
  10. For packages lost in transit, all claims must be made no later than 4 weeks after the estimated delivery date. Claims deemed to be the Seller’s error are covered at the Seller’s expense.
  11. The Seller will refund the amount immediately, but no later than within 14 days if the complaint is accepted and the Product cannot be replaced.
  12. There is no statutory warranty (warranty).:
    1. received Product in a size consistent with the Customer’s order;
    2. the received Product with the decoration indicated by the Customer (made correctly, free from defects);
    3. received Product delivered with delay due to the courier’s fault.
  13. Subject to statutory warranty (warranty):
    1. manufacturing the Product contrary to the Customer’s request;
    2. defective Product (damaged, incorrectly made print, size not consistent with the dimensions given in the size table);
    3. an order that has not been assigned to the courier for shipment in the declared time.
  14. The seller reserves the right:
    1. after the Customer places an order and the status changes to “In progress”, the Seller is not obliged to take into account changes in the order submitted by the Customer,
    2. the colors of clothing available in the Online Store’s offer may differ slightly from the actual color of the fabric for technical and operational reasons. This is due to differences in the display of colors on different computer screens and deviations in colors from different textile manufacturers,
    3. the visualization of the Product and the print included on the Online Store’s website is approximate and only an illustration of the actual appearance of the Product and the actual appearance of the print,
    4. There may be discrepancies between sizes in generally accepted size groups (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) of up to 15% of the dimensions in a given size group. This is due to discrepancies in given size groups among textile producers whose Products are used by kordacki.com,
    5. on materials with an unstable chemical structure such as ceramics, wood, cotton, glass, etc. does not guarantee full repeatability of prints or embroidery,
    6. If the Customer provides an address that is deemed insufficient by the courier, the shipment will be returned. Customer is responsible for shipping costs after Seller confirms updated address (if applicable),
    7. if the customer provides an incorrect address, the shipment will be returned. Customer is responsible for reshipment costs to Customer (if applicable).
  15. The Seller recommends that the Customer, before making any returns of Products, contact the Seller to confirm whether the return of a given Product is possible.


  1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the distance sales contract without giving a reason within 14 days of the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier, designated by the Customer to collect the Product (and if the contract concerns the delivery of Products in the form of several partial deliveries) , several batches or pieces of the Product - from receipt of the last of these Products, batches or pieces of the Product) or - in the case of services or digital content provided in an intangible form (e.g. not on a CD or DVD) - from the date of conclusion of the contract.
  2. In order to exercise the right to withdraw from the contract, the Customer is obliged to inform the Seller of the intention to withdraw from the distance sales contract in any way within the above-mentioned 14-day period.
  3. Withdrawal is made by submitting a declaration of withdrawal from the contract, in particular using the form and sent via any distance communication channel, including:
    1. by e-mail to the following address [email protected],
    2. in writing, to the following address Dębogórze 81-198 Polska, ul. Sezamkowa 12/2.
  4. The Seller will immediately confirm to the Customer on a durable medium the receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract, to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.
  5. The Customer who withdrew from the contract is obliged to return the Product to the Seller immediately, but no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the distance sales contract. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the Product before its expiry.
  6. The seller does not accept shipments sent cash on delivery.
  7. To the extent that Customers exercise the right to withdraw from a distance sales contract referred to in this section, the Seller informs that the direct costs of returning the Product in connection with withdrawal from the distance sales contract are borne by the Customer.


  1. In the event of withdrawal from a distance contract, the distance sales contract is deemed not to have been concluded.
  2. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Seller, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the Product sales contract and after accepting the Product, will refund to the Customer all payments made by him, including delivery costs corresponding to the cheapest delivery method offered by the Seller, if applicable.
  3. The refund will be made using the same method of payment as used by the Customer, unless the Customer has expressly agreed to a different method of return that does not involve any costs for him.
  4. The Customer is obliged to return the Product without undue delay, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date of submitting the notice of withdrawal from the contract to the Seller. In order to meet this deadline, it is sufficient for the Customer to send the Product within 14 days from the date of submitting the notification of withdrawal from the contract to the Seller.
  5. The Customer bears the direct costs of returning the Product (including the cost of delivering it to the Seller) and is responsible for reducing its value resulting from using it in a manner other than what was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.
  6. Regardless of the confirmation of the Correction Invoice, no later than within 7 business days from the date of issue of the Correction Invoice, the Seller is obliged to return to the Customer all payments made by him, including the costs of delivery of the Product (except for additional costs resulting from the delivery method chosen by the Customer other than the cheapest one). regular delivery method available in the Online Store).
  7. If the Customer submitted a declaration of withdrawal before the Seller accepted his offer, it ceases to be binding.


  1. The Customer is not entitled to withdraw from the distance sales contract in relation to contracts:
    1. for the provision of services, if the Seller has fully performed the service with the express consent of the Customer, who was informed before the commencement of the service that after the Seller has completed the service, he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;
    2. in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the Seller has no control and which may occur before the deadline to withdraw from the contract;
    3. in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the Customer’s specifications or serving to meet his individual needs;
    4. in which the subject of the service is an item that deteriorates quickly or has a short shelf life;
    5. in which the subject of the service is an item delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the package was opened after delivery;
    6. in which the subject of the service are items which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items;
    7. in which the subject of the service are alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon when concluding the sales contract, and whose delivery can only take place after 30 days and whose value depends on market fluctuations over which the Seller has no control;
    8. in which theo Customer expressly requested the Seller to come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; if the Seller additionally provides services other than those requested by the customer, or supplies items other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract in relation to additional services or items.;
    9. in which the subject of the service are sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package, if the package was opened after delivery;
    10. for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts;
    11. concluded by public auction;
    12. for the provision of services in the field of accommodation, other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental, catering, services related to recreation, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service provision;
    13. for the supply of digital content that is not saved on a tangible medium, if the performance of the service began with the Customer’s express consent before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires and after the Seller informs him about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.


  1. The Seller will refund the amount due immediately, but no later than within 14 days in the event:
    1. failure to accept the Customer’s offer regarding the order if the order has been paid in advance;
    2. canceling an order or part of an order (in which case the relevant part of the price will be refunded) paid in advance before its implementation;
    3. return of the Product (withdrawal from the contract) from the order that was delivered via a courier company;
    4. acceptance of the complaint and the impossibility of replacing the Product, removing the Product defect or reducing the price.
  2. The Seller will refund the payment using the same payment method used by the Customer, unless the Customer has expressly agreed to a different method of return that does not involve any costs for him.
  3. The Seller is not liable for failure to refund the amounts paid or delay in refund if, despite the Seller exercising due diligence, including sending a request to the Customer to send the Customer’s account number to the Seller, the Customer does not send such an account number to the Seller or if the response will not contain data enabling a refund.
  4. The Seller is not liable for failure to refund the amounts paid or delay in refund if they are the result of the Customer providing incorrect address or name data or an incorrect account number, which prevents the correct execution of the payment despite the Seller’s due diligence.
  5. If the Customer made a payment for the order from a bank account or payment card that does not belong to him, the refund will be made directly to the holder of this bank account or payment card.
  6. In the event of withdrawal from the distance sales contract, if the Seller has not offered to collect the item from the Customer himself, he may withhold the refund of payments received from the Customer until he receives the item back or the Customer provides proof of sending it back, depending on which the event will occur earlier.


  1. The Customer is obliged to keep secret and secure the login and password to the Customer Account in such a way that unauthorized persons do not have access to them.
  2. The Seller will make every effort to ensure that the Online Store and all services made available through it operate continuously without any disruptions.
  3. The Seller reserves the right to interfere with the technical structure of the Customer’s Account in order to diagnose irregularities in the functioning of the Store’s services.
  4. The Store Seller reserves the right to temporarily, but not longer than 48 hours, disable certain functionalities of the Store in order to improve it, add services or perform maintenance upon prior notification to registered Customers in advance.
  5. The Customer is not allowed to transmit illegal content using the Store.


The Seller’s products are not intended for purchase by minors. Children’s products sold are intended for purchase by adults. If a person is under 18 years of age, he or she may use the Online Store under the supervision of a parent or guardian.


Product descriptions and photos come from manufacturers’ databases, own resources and publicly available marketing materials. Any commercial use of product information from the Online Store’s websites is prohibited.


Detailed rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies are described in the Privacy and Cookies Policy.


  1. The Seller reserves the right to make changes at any time to the content of the Online Store website www.kordacki.com, as well as the terms and conditions, including the terms of these regulations. Any changes will take place to the appropriate extent, and Customers will be additionally informed about the changes to the Regulations, in particular through the button accepting the provisions of the Regulations, which appears when the Customer places an order.
  2. The Seller will notify registered Customers about any change to the Regulations via e-mail with the right to terminate the contract within 14 days. Changes to the Regulations come into force upon the expiry of the notice period. For orders placed before the amendments to the Regulations come into force, the provisions of the Regulations in the wording in force at the time of placing the order shall apply.
  3. If any of the terms contained in these terms and conditions shall be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that term shall be deemed severable from the remaining terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining terms.
  4. The Customer may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services at any time with immediate effect by informing the Seller by e-mail, telephone or in writing to the address of the Seller’s registered office. The Customer’s account in the Online Store will be deleted.
  5. In the event of a dispute arising in connection with the performance of a contract concluded under the Regulations, the parties undertake to resolve it amicably, acting in good faith.
  6. If it is impossible to reach an agreement in the manner indicated in section 5. the court competent to resolve the dispute will be the court competent for the Seller’s registered office. The preceding sentence does not apply to disputes to which the Consumer is a party. The customer may also use extrajudicial methods of dealing with complaints (mediation, arbitration) and pursuing claims. Notwithstanding the above, the Customer who is a Consumer may seek assistance from the municipal (district) consumer ombudsman. All necessary information in this regard can be obtained on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at: www.uokik.gov.pl.
  7. At https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr, the consumer has access to the resolution of consumer disputes electronically using the EU online platform (ODR platform). The ODR platform is a multilingual, interactive website serving consumers and entrepreneurs seeking out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from the conclusion of a distance sales contract or contract for the provision of services. 8.The consumer may use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. In order to take advantage of the possibility of amicable resolution of disputes regarding online purchases, the Consumer may submit a complaint, e.g. via the EU ODR online platform, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
  8. The law applicable to the contract between the Customer and the Seller, the subject of which are the services provided by the Seller as part of the Online Store under the terms specified in the Regulations, is Polish law.
  9. All product names posted on the Online Store website are used for identification purposes and may be protected and reserved under the provisions of the Act of June 30, 2000 - Industrial Property Law or other legal provisions.
  10. For statistical purposes and to ensure the highest quality of services, the Online Store uses information saved by the server on the Customer’s end device, which is then read each time a web browser is connected (so-called cookies). The Customer may at any time determine the conditions for storing or obtaining access to cookies by the Online Store using the settings of his web browser, including changing the browser settings so that it does not accept such files or informs about their transmission. However, please remember that not accepting cookies may cause difficulties in using the Online Store. The Customer’s use of a browser whose settings allow saving cookies on the Customer’s device constitutes consent to saving the above files on the Customer’s device. More information in this regard can be found in the privacy policy.
  11. The language of the contracts concluded is English.
  12. Treść niniejszego regulaminu jest udostępniona do nieodpłatnego pobrania i zapisania przez każdą zainteresowaną osobę w wersji elektronicznej na stronie internetowej www.kordacki.com


Seller:Marcin Kordacki
Seller’s address:Sezamkowe 12/2
Nr NIP:777 260 00 92
E-mail:[email protected]
Tel.:+48 606 229 937


  1. The following annexes constitute an integral part of these regulations:
    1. Privacy Policy and Cookies.
    2. Royalty free contract.
    3. Sample form for withdrawal from the contract.
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